RWPHSA 2018 board:
President: Jaap Heesterbeek (Gauteng)
Vice-President: Greg Garland (Western Cape)
Secretary: Ronel Gillan-Breedt (Gauteng)
Treasurer: David Beard (Limpopo)
National Coach: Diane Debbo (Gauteng)
Athlete’s Commission: Victoria Conlan
Board members:
Nicole Sanders (Western Cape and Para-reining)
Province board members:
Neil Dougall (Gauteng)
David Beard (Limpopo)
Lizelle Garland (Western Cape)
Ali Landwehr (Kwazulu Natal)
Lida Stander (Free State)
Susan Steynberg (Mpumalanga)
Judges Forum:
Neil Dougall (Gauteng)
Show Convenor:
Wilma Heesterbeek
Contact emails:
All entries, information, applications and payments
All other communication